The 10 Most Admired Women Leaders in Business, 2024

Vanessa Galhardo-Galhetas: Visionary CEO and Board Director in the Financial Sector

The 10 Most Admired Women Leaders in Business, 2024

Step into the dynamic world of Vanessa Galhardo-Galhetas, the brilliant mind behind Neva Consulting. With a stellar academic background, she earned her law degree with honors from KU Leuven in 2006 and went on to achieve a Master’s in Leadership for Middle Management from Antwerp Management School in 2015. Vanessa’s commitment to excellence is underscored by her certifications, including CIPP/EU in 2018, Compliance Officer in 2019, International Mergers and Acquisitions Expert in 2021, Board Director in the Financial Sector in 2022 and Board Effectiveness in 2023. 

Recognized as the Inspiring Woman in Finance by Women in Finance in 2023, Empowering Women Entrepreneur by CIO Views in 2023 and named a LinkedIn Top Voice 2023, Vanessa boasts over 15 years of professional prowess. Her journey encompasses diverse roles, from legal expert to adept manager, steering operational departments in both private and public organizations. Fluent in Dutch, French, English, German, and Portuguese, Vanessa’s versatility sets her apart. 

Vanessa’s impact extends to Fortune 500 companies, where she served as Chief Legal and Compliance Officer and Corporate Secretary in interim management roles. Her global influence spans advising on corporate governance, ethics, financial legislation, contracts, compliance, and data protection. A supportive team player and strategic thinker, Vanessa consistently strives for superior outcomes, leaving an indelible mark on the realms of law and business. 

Early Professional Expertise in EU Decision-Making

After Vanessa completed a Master’s in Law from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium, she commenced her professional journey as a lawyer and lobbyist with expertise in EU decision-making. During this phase, she served private and public corporations. Simultaneously, Vanessa conducted tutorials in the same field at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven as part of the Master’s in Law program. 

Her work included a focus on financial regulation and data protection, providing her with opportunities to engage with major financial institutions in various capacities. Vanessa’s roles ranged from starting in Compliance and Legal to undertaking diverse management positions, where she led teams of up to 50 individuals. 

Through her tenure as an employee across different organizations, Vanessa gained valuable insights into organizational dynamics, challenges, and opportunities. The diverse experience in public affairs, legal matters, compliance, and management laid a solid foundation for her to venture into consulting. Vanessa’s background of adapting to different company cultures, understanding operational and strategic aspects, and navigating legal requirements positioned her as a relevant business partner. This proved beneficial for organizations seeking support in compliance with legislation while integrating effective leadership practices. 

Holistic Approach to Legal, Compliance, and Leadership Services 

Through Neva Consulting, Vanessa provides Legal, Compliance, and Leadership services, recognizing the interconnected nature of these three components. She contends that adherence to legal and compliance requirements goes beyond mere checklist completion. Drawing from the lessons of various financial crises, Vanessa asserts that fulfilling legal and compliance obligations involves adopting an attitude and an intention to make sound decisions, even in the absence of oversight. 

In the financial sector, where trust is paramount, ethical leadership emerges as a crucial element for earning and preserving trust. Vanessa sees ethical leadership as a potent risk mitigation strategy, reducing the likelihood of legal and reputational risks that could significantly impact financial institutions. Additionally, a commitment to ethical practices not only fosters trust among clients, investors, and the public but also serves as a foundation for long-term success. 

With Neva Consulting, Vanessa offers tools and advice to clients to help them mitigate risks effectively. This includes developing an efficient compliance framework, conducting compliance risk assessments, crafting compliance plans, and formulating policies and procedures. Vanessa also provides guidance on principles of good governance and ethics. Leveraging her management experience in various organizations and her training background, she is frequently sought after to provide leadership advice. Recently, she has introduced mentoring and coaching services for senior professionals, a service that has garnered positive feedback and appreciation.

Ethics and Technology

According to Vanessa, the financial sector has historically played a crucial role in assisting both society and companies in navigating economic challenges. This role involves providing essential investment for the development of new services and products, ultimately transforming economies and societies. 

Looking ahead to 2024, Vanessa anticipates a sustained high regulatory pressure in the financial sector. This will be coupled with elevated interest rates, persistent climate risks, ongoing advancements in FinTech, and a consequent increase in cybersecurity threats. 

In this dynamic landscape, leaders in the financial sector are expected to demonstrate agility. They will need to guide their teams through periods of significant uncertainty and actively seek opportunities within this challenging environment. 

Vanessa points out that compliance departments within financial institutions will play a vital role in addressing emerging challenges. Corporations are grappling with new considerations related to artificial intelligence and increased automation. This raises questions regarding the ethical use of such technologies, data protection requirements, and the prevention of discrimination, among other concerns. The implementation of standards linked to Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) is another area where Compliance departments are anticipated to focus their efforts in 2024. 

Additionally, Vanessa notes that corporate boards of directors will face an augmented challenge in maintaining a diverse composition. This diversity should encompass expertise and experience in various domains, including compliance, legal, sustainability, diversity, and technology. This diverse composition is seen as essential for addressing the multifaceted challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in the financial sector.

Advocacy for Diversity in Decision-Making Positions

Vanessa holds a firm belief in the essential role of diversity in decision-making positions for both men and women, benefiting society as a whole and propelling it to the next level. Despite women constituting half of the world’s population and a majority of university graduates, as well as being significant consumers, products, and services are often tailored to the needs of men. Decision-making positions, too, are predominantly occupied by men. 

In Europe, a significant stride towards addressing this disparity is the “European Women on Boards Directive,” adopted in 2023. This directive aims to achieve gender balance among directors of listed companies. By mid-2026, every stock-listed company within the European Union is required to have at least 40% female non-executive directors or a female representation of executive and non-executive positions totaling at least 33%. This legislative step is seen as a positive advancement, acknowledging the time it would take to achieve gender equality in decision-making positions without such interventions. 

However, Vanessa also underscores the importance of societal expectations for equal access to the C-Suite and the Boardroom for both men and women. She emphasizes the need for female role models to share their achievements, inspiring others and demonstrating what is possible. The goal is that, in the near future, competence will be recognized irrespective of gender, and decision-making positions will naturally achieve a balance without relying on regulatory measures. 

Approach to Understanding and Shaping Company Cultures  

As a consultant, Vanessa consistently encounters various company cultures and makes a concerted effort to understand and align with the culture of her clients. Drawing from her experience, she holds the belief that company culture serves as a dynamic force that shapes the work environment, influences employee behavior, and significantly contributes to the overall success and longevity of an organization. This intangible asset stands as a potent differentiator in the competitive landscape of today’s business world. 

Vanessa emphasizes the pivotal role of a strong culture that prioritizes ethics and compliance. Such a culture acts as a deterrent to misconduct and unethical behavior, establishing clear expectations for employees to uphold high standards of integrity and ethical conduct. 

Besides, a positive company culture creates an environment where employees feel engaged, valued, and satisfied in their roles. This positive atmosphere contributes to heightened levels of productivity and job satisfaction among the workforce. 

A noteworthy consequence of fostering strong and positive cultures is their appeal to top talent. Job seekers increasingly prioritize company culture when evaluating potential employers. Moreover, a positive culture plays a vital role in retaining existing talent, thereby reducing turnover and the associated costs. Vanessa recognizes the multifaceted impact of company culture, spanning ethical conduct, employee engagement, productivity, and talent attraction and retention.

Commitment to Good Corporate Governance

In her role as an Independent Non-Executive Director, Vanessa takes on a pivotal role in corporate governance, providing the board of directors with an objective and impartial perspective. She emphasizes the importance of evaluating the effectiveness of an organization’s governance structures, processes, and policies. This assessment is crucial for ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and promoting adherence to ethical standards. 

Participating in discussions related to the strategic direction of an organization, Vanessa aims to ensure that decisions align with the long-term interests of both shareholders and stakeholders. Her role as an Independent Non-Executive Director brings added value by providing a holistic view of long-term interests, considering the diverse needs and concerns of all stakeholders. 

Given her background as an experienced compliance officer, Vanessa actively contributes to the identification and management of risks faced by organizations. Her independent perspective enables a thorough examination of potential challenges, further enhancing the governance and risk management practices within the organizations she serves. 

Beyond Boundaries

Vanessa firmly believes that competencies and expertise are not fixed but continually evolving. Staying relevant requires maintaining curiosity, an open mind, and a commitment to constant learning. This not only enhances professional capabilities but also contributes to higher job satisfaction and overall well-being. 

Personally, Vanessa is an avid reader with a broad range of interests, delving into books covering legal and compliance matters, management, sustainability, and digital evolution. She actively participates in training sessions related to her areas of interest and engages in discussions with fellow professionals to exchange views and challenge her perspectives. Vanessa emphasizes the importance of nurturing the mind to become not only a better professional but also a happier individual. She views the investment in meaningful experiences and training as the most valuable one. 

To contribute to meaningful discussions in her field, Vanessa regularly publishes articles and other publications. In recognition of her impactful contributions, she was named LinkedIn Top Voice in Management Consulting and Risk Management in 2023. Women in Finance Belgium honored her as “Inspiring Women in Finance,” and CIO Views recognized her as “Empowering Women Entrepreneur 2023” for her work with Neva Consulting. These accolades reflect her dedication to advancing knowledge and fostering meaningful conversations in her areas of expertise. 

Global Shifts and Future Skills

Vanessa observes that the economy is undergoing constant transformation, facing pressures from climate changes and geopolitical shifts, which are anticipated to bring about radical changes in the years to come. In this evolving landscape, the ability to adapt, collaborate, and contribute meaningfully will be crucial for effectively navigating both challenges and opportunities in the future. 

Referencing studies by the World Economic Forum, Vanessa underscores the significance of certain skills for future professionals. These skills include complex problem-solving, creativity, emotional intelligence, cognitive flexibility, judgment, and decision-making, among others. She emphasizes her belief in continuous learning, recognizing that the skills required for the future are expected to evolve further. The traditional approach of completing a university degree and not pursuing further training is no longer sufficient. Vanessa advocates for professionals to invest in themselves by fostering curiosity and consistently developing their knowledge and skills. 

Through Neva Consulting, Vanessa offers training in her areas of expertise and provides mentoring or coaching sessions for senior professionals. This approach aims to empower individuals to cultivate their expertise, enhance their skills, and ascend to the next level in their professional journeys.