The 10 Most Admired Women Leaders in Business, 2024

Gretchen Villegas: Innovative Leader Working at The Nexus of Global Development and Business Success

The 10 Most Admired Women Leaders in Business, 2024

Gretchen Villegas is a distinguished global development executive driven by a fervent commitment to catalyzing positive change—particularly in disrupting poverty and empowering marginalized communities with an entrepreneurial mindset. With over 25 years of expertise, Gretchen specializes in pioneering mission-oriented program designs through strategic partnership cultivation, impact amplification, and revenue augmentation. Her professional journey commenced with service as a Peace Corps Volunteer in South America, laying the foundation for a career marked by impactful contributions. Over the past 15 years, she has demonstrated exceptional leadership in managing U.S. Government-funded initiatives across Latin America and Africa. Through collaborative endeavors with communities, local and international partners, philanthropists, the private sector, and governmental entities, Gretchen has overseen transformative programs totalling more than $320 million. 

Gretchen’s proficiency extends to steering global program portfolios with precision, leveraging evidence-based approaches and data-driven insights to enhance effectiveness. She excels in crafting intentional program frameworks that maximize benefits for vulnerable populations, spearheading rigorous research endeavors to design, pivot and refine implementation strategies, and devising innovative revenue models to amplify program reach and impact through efficiencies. 

Throughout her illustrious career, Gretchen Villegas has exemplified unwavering dedication to fostering sustainable solutions to poverty, ensuring marginalized households access viable pathways to resilience and dignified incomes. Her multifaceted expertise, coupled with a relentless commitment to social impact, positions her as a trailblazer working at the nexus of global development and business success. 

Path to Leadership  

Gretchen’s fascination with diverse places and cultures began with books and movies. “I just knew that one day I wanted to experience what it was like to live and work in other countries, speaking a different language, and learning different customs,” she recalls. Growing up in the Midwest, where community service and helping neighbors were a way of life, Gretchen was driven by a desire to serve others. This passion led her to become the first in her family to complete a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies. Her studies took her to Spain, Mexico, and England, and she solidified her commitment to global service with a two-year stint in the Peace Corps in Suriname, South America. There, she discovered her love for living abroad and helping emerging markets break cycles of poverty. 

Gretchen’s learning journey continued in the United States, where she earned a Master’s degree in Intercultural Management at the School for International Studies in Brattleboro, VT. This advanced education, combined with experiential learning sessions with global development professionals, set the stage for her career managing U.S. Government foreign aid projects in Latin America and East and Southern Africa. Determined to gain on-the-ground experience, she secured a position in the field rather than settling for a U.S.-based role. Her first assignment was in Colombia as a Deputy Chief of Party, managing operations for a significant project and complying with stringent government standards. Her career then took her to Malawi, Tanzania, and Uganda over 15 years, where she gained extensive experience leading local teams and representing country offices in the leading executive role in operations, compliance, program design, proposal development, and impact reporting. 

Returning to the United States, Gretchen transitioned to an all- organization-wide executive role. Adjusting to the headquarters’ dynamics, she leveraged her field experience to bridge gaps between home office and field teams in strategy, financials, legal issues, labor laws, and donor compliance. Her leadership skills, honed abroad, were invaluable. She learned to listen actively, ask insightful questions, and seek feedback—essential for designing impactful proposals and managing global projects. 

Gretchen’s initial field experiences facilitated her rapid ascent up the executive ladder. Within ten years of returning stateside, she was recruited as CEO of a global non-profit, tasked with evolving its programming structure. Her deep understanding of global operations and her ability to drive organizational change were instrumental in achieving this transformation within two years. 

This journey underscores the value of starting a career abroad. Her hands-on experience in diverse cultures equipped her with the skills and vital learning needed to operationalize a global organization effectively, ensuring sustainable and well-functioning field operations akin to a successful business. 

Empowerment, People, and Impact  

Gretchen’s remarkable career in global development is deeply rooted in her core values and innovative approach. She firmly believes in empowerment over charity. “If someone is empowered to change their lives, they have a sustainable future for their families and communities,” she asserts. This empowerment can take various forms, from transferring knowledge to providing seed capital to start a business, always aimed at ensuring dignified income for individuals and families. 

As a leader, Gretchen identifies herself as a “Staff Empoweree,” investing in her team by fostering a culture of learning and development. This approach not only minimizes staff turnover but also builds a loyal, motivated workforce. “People are your business,” she emphasizes. “If you take care of your people, you are taking care of your business.” Her commitment to staff empowerment has consistently served her well in every opportunity she has undertaken. 

Gretchen also sees herself as a “Systems Disrupter.” When systems hinder vulnerable populations from escaping poverty, her mission is to break those barriers. This often involves aligning with the private sector business community to integrate their interests with impact goals, ensuring sustainability for the most vulnerable communities. 

Optimum Strategic planning is another cornerstone of Gretchen’s success. She is a diligent strategic planner, developing and implementing plans that are owned by the teams executing them. These plans, always backed by evidence, guide the team’s work and are regularly reviewed and revised to adapt to changing circumstances. “Strategic plans are not meant to stay on the shelf,” she insists.  Strategy can make all the difference in success.  

Being a “Data-Driven Decision Maker” is crucial to Gretchen’s methodology. She uses data and evidence to make informed decisions, track progress, and measure impact, including budgets and financial projections. In the realm of global development, where the bottom line is impact for the most vulnerable, decisions must be based on solid data and evidence.  There is no room for inefficiencies.   

Gretchen’s values and approach have been instrumental in her career success. Her commitment to empowerment, investment in people, strategic planning, and data-driven decision-making ensures that her work makes a meaningful and sustainable impact on the communities she serves.  She drives impact from an entrepreneurial mindset. That is the difference.  

Partnership Philosophy 

Gretchen has mastered the art of cultivating and nurturing partnerships with a diverse array of stakeholders, including public and private donors, philanthropists, and governments. At the heart of her approach lies a fundamental belief: Communication is the most critical skill in fostering these partnerships. “When local partners, including governments and community-based organizations, and international partners, such as multilaterals, bilaterals, foundations, corporations, and high-net-worth individuals, receive clear and concise communications regularly, it builds trust and confidence,” she explains. 

Gretchen emphasizes the importance of telling compelling stories about how funds have been utilized, the resulting impact, and plans for the upcoming months. These narratives are essential in maintaining transparency and fostering a sense of shared purpose among all stakeholders. 

When issues arise, Gretchen advocates for proactive communication. “The best way forward is to discuss the situation with the donor and agree on a plan of action together,” she advises. Addressing problems in advance rather than retroactively ensures that the partnership remains strong and collaborative.  A partnership is just that, a partnership not just a donor relationship.   

Gretchen believes that stellar execution combined with excellent communication is the key to winning more funds. By placing partnerships at the core of her strategy, she ensures that all stakeholders are aligned and committed to the shared goals. This approach not only secures ongoing support but also reinforces the integrity and effectiveness of the projects under her leadership. 

Scaling for Impact 

Gretchen’s approach to scaling a program begins with ensuring that the desired impact is achieved. She emphasizes the importance of reviewing and analyzing multiple rounds of impact data before planning to scale. “It’s essential to include the costs of activities and assess their impact on people’s lives and the environment,” she notes. By looking for efficiencies to reduce costs while maintaining impact, Gretchen and her team can document a successful model ready for scaling. 

Once the activities’ costs are optimized and the impact is clearly documented, the model is packaged and shared with potential partners. Gretchen advocates for diversified revenue streams to ensure sustainable programming. “In each country, the team approaches private sector companies involved in local commodities or communities to seek partnerships, whether in cash or in-kind contributions,” she explains. The team also collaborates with other global non-profit organizations working in the same areas to combine resources or engages national governments for possible contributions. 

Gretchen highlights the advantages of for-profit engagements, which are local and deeply integrated within the communities. “If a private sector company utilizes raw materials from local farmers we work with and a win-win business scenario is established, that partnership is likely to continue post-program,” she says. This continuity is the essence of true sustainability.  Gretchen says “This is where the nexus of global development and business success comes together and where real life-changing results happens for the entire community.” 

Private Sector Integration is a cornerstone of Gretchen’s strategy. By involving the private sector, she believes in creating sustainable solutions for vulnerable populations. “We might break a cycle of poverty during the program, but the real test is what happens once the funding ends,” she remarks. “If the private sector doesn’t fill the gap, or if the vulnerable family doesn’t have a livelihood, the outcome is uncertain.” 

Gretchen’s approach ensures that when the private sector is involved, the likelihood of sustainable outcomes is significantly higher. By focusing on integrating private sector interests with development goals, she creates lasting partnerships that continue to benefit communities long after the initial program funding ends. This strategy not only addresses immediate needs but also builds a foundation for enduring economic stability and growth. 

Vision for Future Collaboration in Global Development 

Gretchen aspires to continue her work with global development or social impact corporations and businesses. She believes that we are at a critical juncture facing significant global challenges, including the climate crisis, conflicts, and hunger. “If the global development community, corporations, and foundations working towards social impact do not come together to focus resources and thought leadership, we will not be able to conquer the challenges in front of us,” she asserts. 

The United Nations 2030 Agenda highlights the necessity of collaboration for the good of our world and humanity, emphasizing both people and the planet. However, the 2023 progress report indicates that we are far from achieving these goals. “The time is now to come together,” Gretchen stresses. 

Gretchen is hopeful about playing a pivotal role in bridging the gap. She envisions herself bringing together the innovations and resources of corporations with the global development entities that have the on-the-ground experience and trust of vulnerable communities, along with the support of large foundations and multilaterals. By uniting these diverse forces, she aims to address and overcome the pressing global challenges. 

Her commitment to fostering collaboration and her strategic vision for integrated partnerships are central to her approach. Gretchen’s belief in the power of collective effort and her experience in managing complex, multinational projects make her an invaluable asset in the quest to achieve sustainable development goals. Through her continued dedication to this cause, she seeks to drive meaningful change and create a lasting impact on a global scale. 

Clients’ Reviews  

“I had an opportunity to be supervised by Gretchen while she was based in Uganda. Her outstanding leadership skills and ability to inspire others and guide organizations and teams towards excellence was visible. Gretchen taught me to believe in my ability and mentored me as a young professional to become an excellent team player as I learnt the I can-do attitude and paying attention to details from her. Gretchen has superb communication skills which enables her to engage naturally with both field teams and project partners. She also possesses a strategic data driven mindset and always looks to grow an organization. I still recall her outstanding leadership at the CLUSA International Uganda Office that led to the acquisition of a 5-year, Master Card Foundation, $11.3 million USD grant that facilitated sustainable economic opportunities and commercial enterprises for more than 26,000 at-risk youth in northern Uganda in 2015.” KIIZA Kizito | LinkedIn  

“Gretchen is exceptional in leveraging economic growth and data to create systemic changes, breaking cycles of poverty. Her expertise not only makes her an invaluable asset but also a great mentor, partner, and coach. Her visionary approach and dedication are unparalleled, making any collaboration with her a promising venture towards impactful change.” Kh. Farhad Hossain | LinkedIn 

“I worked with Gretchen during the early years of my career in Malawi.  At that time, Gretchen was the Chief of Party for the organization. I can’t think of a better way to describe how she valued, trusted, and always appreciated me throughout the time we worked together. She showed me what true work ethic and work-life balance are. Gretchen is such a great leader, and mentor and so passionate about the career growth of her juniors. She is such an inspiration, and she truly has remained my best role model over the years. She instilled in me the spirit of courage, discipline, and hard work. I will forever be grateful to her.” Amenye Ndiwo-Banda | LinkedIn 

“Gretchen’s support extended beyond simply recognizing my strengths; she encouraged me to learn from my mistakes and transform those valuable lessons into best practices. Under her guidance, I evolved into the thought leader I am today in Uganda, instilling in me the belief that there are no bounds to what I can achieve. It was an incredible privilege to have her as my mentor and boss. Thanks to her early-career mentorship, I am now in a position to mentor thousands of girls in Uganda through the organization I founded, Engender Girls’ Mentorship.” Josephine Omunyidde Zhane | LinkedIn