The 10 Most Admired Women Leaders in Business, 2024

Tamara Chase: A Legacy of Resilient Leadership in Roofing and Contracting

The 10 Most Admired Women Leaders in Business, 2024

In the world of roofing, the tale of Tamara and John Chase are a testament to resilience, determination, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. As CEO of Chase Roofing & Contracting Inc., Tamara Chase stands as a beacon of leadership, while John, an eminent Roof Consultant, compliments her, making them a force together that has proven to be a beautiful union. They have lived a remarkable adventure together, recently celebrating their 33rd anniversary, a milestone that mirrors their enduring partnership in both life and business.

Tamara’s entrance into the roofing industry was not pre-planned; it stemmed from a deep-seated passion for building something meaningful. In her 30s, she made a bold decision to return to college, driven by the desire to set a positive example for her children. Juggling academics, work, and family responsibilities, Tamara navigated her transition from a budding lawyer to a key player in her husband’s handyman business.

The couple quickly recognized an untapped opportunity in the roofing sector – delivering exceptional customer service. The founding of their roofing company marked a critical step in their entrepreneurial journey. Tamara’s integral role in business development, marketing and her unique leadership style was pivotal in propelling the company’s growth.Armed with insights from their own roofing misadventure, they embarked on a mission to provide homeowners with a “customer wow experience” nurturing them in a life long relationship. Their venture into the roofing industry in the aftermath of Hurricane Wilma in 2005.

The 2008 financial crisis presented a formidable challenge, yet it was Tamara’s indomitable spirit that steered the company through these turbulent times. In 2010, she took the helm of the business, pulling it back from the brink of near bankruptcy. This period was a testament to her adaptability and fervent desire to learn and succeed in a demanding industry.

The subsequent years brought additional trials. Four years into her tenure as CEO, John was diagnosed with an aggressive form of esophageal cancer, leading to a five year absence from the company. His eventual return added a new depth of wisdom and strength to the business. John’s advisory role has been instrumental in the company’s continued expansion and success and who Tamara relies on for so many technical details.

Tamara’s quest for excellence saw her earning two significant licenses: the State of Florida Certified Glass and Glazing Contractor License and the Certified Roofing Contractor License. This achievement underscored her commitment and dedication to her craft. These credentials complimented John’s General Contracting and Certified Roofing License, positioned Chase Roofing as experts in roofing and hurricane preparedness, further cementing their reputation in the industry. Additionally, the company’s recognition as a Women-Owned Business highlights their unique position in a traditionally male-dominated field.

Tamara and John’s story is more than a tale of being a power couple; it’s a narrative of relentless commitment to quality, growth, direct confrontation of challenges and of love. Their journey serves as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs, particularly in the complex and dynamic world of business.

Path to Growth and Empowerment

In her leadership role, Tamara confronts a multitude of challenges that shape and define her approach. Perhaps the most significant of these is her navigation through a male-dominated industry. Rather than seeing this as a hindrance, Tamara has turned it into a defining feature of her leadership, leveraging her unique perspective and approach to foster a culture of inclusivity and innovation. She will always be grateful for the many mentors that have taught her and guided her.

Financial constraints and evolving industry landscapes are perpetual challenges. Yet, for Tamara, these hurdles are valuable learning opportunities. She steers her team through these challenging periods with a focus on the importance of strong, enduring relationships and a mindset that embraces resilience. Stressing the significance of self-care and effective stress management, Tamara underscores these principles as key to overcoming adversity.

Juggling the responsibilities of a CEO, community leader, and family member is a demanding task. Tamara navigates this by prioritizing efficient time management and adhering to her core values. Building a robust support team and engaging in meaningful networking are strategies she employs to manage these diverse obligations effectively. Her family and friends are who she retreats to for comfort.

Ultimately, each challenge presents an occasion for growth, adaptation, and the embodiment of compassionate leadership. By approaching challenges with a positive perspective and unwavering resolve, Tamara continually transcends obstacles, fostering both her personal development and the advancement of her professional journey.

Confronting Cancer as a Team

Tamara recounts a poignant chapter in her life when her husband, John, was preparing to partake in the Dolphins Challenge Cancer. However, amidst this preparation, a devastating revelation emerged – John himself had been diagnosed with cancer. Confronted with a mere 16% chance of survival, their family embarked on a year marked by an extraordinary and harrowing journey. This path encompassed near-death encounters following intensive rounds of chemotherapy, radiation, and a surgical procedure that necessitated the removal of his stomach, portions of his esophagus, and segments of his intestines.

In the subsequent year, a resilient spirit emerged as they forged a team, uniting with the Roofing Contractors Association of South Florida, alongside suppliers and fellow competitors. This collective effort coalesced as Team Cancer Fighting Contractors, where Tamara held the honor of being a dedicated Team Captain. The team’s shared goal was to participate in the DCC through cycling and walking, all while raising funds to combat cancer. Their collective contributions amassed to a remarkable total of over $100,000.

This journey took on a remarkable turn as John emerged victorious, triumphantly celebrating seven years in remission. His resilience and strength serve as a beacon of hope and a testament to the power of unwavering determination and the support of a united community.

The Power of Kindness in Leadership

Tamara’s leadership style is deeply influenced by her belief in the power of kindness, even in the most challenging situations. She fosters an environment of openness, encouraging her team to voice concerns and share ideas freely. Her experience has taught her the disruptive impact of having team members who do not align with the company’s culture and values, and she’s learned to address these issues with empathy and firmness. “Compassionate communication has cultivated a culture of trust and transparency and by acknowledging and addressing difficult conversations with empathy, we’ve forged stronger connections and found solutions to complex issues. This lesson has showcased that genuine leadership extends beyond the daily tasks of roofing or window cleaning – it involves understanding and valuing the emotions and thoughts of each team member,” says Tamara.

Building a Balanced Life

For Tamara, striking a balance between her professional commitments and personal life, alongside shared hobbies and charitable activities, hinge on discovering the right rhythm and establishing a strong support network. Tamara and her husband, John, not only collaborate in business but also share a profound love for enjoying adventures together, such as dancing at music festivals and traveling the world scuba diving. Prioritizing time to enjoy life together not only strengthens their bond but also offers a way to relax.

Tamara and John really care about giving back, and they make sure their charitable work is something they’re both passionate about. They both support each other a lot in this, which really shows how strong their connection is. Sure, they’ve had their ups and downs, but they’ve always managed to pull through by sticking to what they love, keeping things organized, and relying on their awesome team.

They’ve got this great way of mixing their hobbies and their desire to help others. This not only keeps them happy but also lets them make a real difference through their charity work. Plus, it’s a big part of what keeps their business thriving. They’ve found this sweet spot where they can enjoy what they do, help others, and keep their business going strong.

Curiosity, Kindness, and Ongoing Growth

Tamara is deeply committed to continuous learning and self-improvement. Her innate curiosity drives her to embrace new experiences and perspectives. She actively seeks out opportunities to expand her knowledge and engage with life from various viewpoints. This eagerness for learning is further encouraged by her coaches, who inspire her to venture beyond her comfort zones and explore unfamiliar territories.

A significant retreat experience led Tamara to the realization of the importance of self-care, marking the start of a journey towards practicing kindness, not just towards others but also towards herself. She wears a bracelet inscribed with “Be Kind” as a constant reminder to practice self-compassion and maintain resilience.

Feedback is highly valued in Tamara’s approach to leadership. She cultivates an environment where open communication is encouraged, appreciating the diverse insights her team members bring. Regular dialogues and active listening equip her with valuable insights and fresh ideas, enhancing the team’s ability to deliver outstanding customer experiences.

Tamara welcomes challenges as opportunities for learning and personal growth. She approaches difficulties not as obstacles but as platforms for problem-solving and innovation. Each challenge presents a chance to enhance her leadership skills and develop a team that is resilient and solutions-focused.

Mentorship and networking are integral to Tamara’s journey of continuous growth. Engaging with industry associations, connecting with peers, and seeking advice from experienced professionals enrich her viewpoints and equip her with varied strategies to enhance her business operations. Collaborating with others is a treasured aspect of her career, particularly in the roofing industry, which has provided numerous opportunities for collaborative achievements.

Over the past two decades, Tamara’s commitment to learning and development has evolved into a collective endeavor. What began as a focused effort to find solutions has transitioned into a communal strategy for addressing challenges and pursuing collective improvements.

Vision for the Roofing Industry

Tamara envisions a promising future for the company, where women play a central role in shaping the roofing industry. The primary goal is to cultivate an environment where women become influential leaders, challenging traditional stereotypes and making a significant impact.

The company is dedicated to supporting its female workforce. A key part of this effort is providing comprehensive mentorship, facilitating professional growth, and creating opportunities for leadership roles. These efforts are foundational in promoting the rise of women within the roofing sector.

Staying attuned to industry trends is crucial. As such, strategic investments in training and technology are made to ensure that female team members are at the forefront. This strategy not only positions them as experts but also inspires other women to consider roofing as a viable career path.

Commitment to the community forms a solid pillar of the company’s ethos. Collaborative partnerships with organizations focused on women in construction and related fields reflect a dedication to creating more opportunities. The aim is to empower women to explore the roofing industry and realize its potential.

Strategic growth involves tapping into untapped talent pools. The company actively seeks diverse partnerships, initiates pioneering programs, and develops inclusive initiatives aimed at attracting women to the roofing field. This approach is centered around showcasing the wide range of possibilities and emphasizing the inclusivity that defines the industry.

Looking ahead, the company aspires to be a symbol of progress, where women lead confidently and contribute significantly. This vision is supported by the empowerment of women through mentorship, embracing diversity, fostering innovation, and engaging actively in the community. The company looks forward to a future where women not only participate but excel as pioneers in the roofing industry.